
  • Ferreira, C., Park, A., Kietzmann, J., Demetis, D., Flostrand, A., McCarthy, I., Pitt, L. and Dabirian, A. (2024). Cybercrime: Understanding the Current State of Literature and Issues Facing CISOs. IT Professional. (Download the paper here)
  • McCarthy I. P., Hannigan T. R., and Spicer, A. (2024) The Risks of Botshit. Harvard Business Review. (Download the paper here)
  • Robertson, Jeandri, Caitlin Ferreira, Richard T. Watson, Ian McCarthy, Jan Kietzmann, and Leyland Pitt. (2024) "Assessing digital responsibility in a digital-first world: Revisiting the U-commerce framework. Organizational Dynamics. (Download the paper here).
  • Freisinger E. and McCarthy I. P. (2024). What fails and when? A process view of innovation failure. Technovation. (Download the paper here).
  • Hannigan, T., McCarthy I.P. and Spicer, A. (2024) Beware of Botshit: How to Manage the Epistemic Risks of Generative Chatbots. Business Horizons. (Download the paper here).
  • Robertson, J., Ferreira, C., Watson, E., McCarthy, I.P., Kietzmann, J., and Pitt, L. (2024) Delineating Digital Responsibility: From Ubiquitous Networks to Participatory. Organizational Dynamics(Download the paper here).
  • Dwivedi, Y. et al. (2024) “Real Impact”: Challenges and Opportunities in Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice - Making a Difference in Industry, Policy, and Society. International Journal of Information Management, 102750. (Download the paper here).
  • Keegan, B.J., McCarthy, I.P., Kietzmann, J. and Canhoto, A.I., (2024). On your marks, headset, go! Understanding the building blocks of metaverse realms. Business Horizons. 67(1): 107-119. (Download the paper here).
  • Johnson M.R., Naik, H., Chan, W.S., Greiner, J., Michaleski, M., Dong L., Silvestre, B., and McCarthy, I.P. (2023) Forecasting ward-level bed requirements to aid pandemic resource planning: Lessons learned and future directions. Health Care Management Science. (2023) 26:477–500. (Download the paper here).
  • McCarthy, I.P. and Bogers, M.L., 2023. The open academic: Why and how business academics should use social media to be more ‘open’ and impactful. Business Horizons.  66(1): 153-166 (Download the paper).
  • Lam, J., Robson, K., Plangger, K., Kietzmann, J., McCarthy, I. and Pitt, L., 2022. Play, games and gamification: possibilities for customer loyalty. In Handbook of Research on Customer Loyalty (pp. 173-188). (Download the paper).
  • Johnson, M.R. and McCarthy, I.P., 2022. Cultural similarity and impartiality on voting bias: The case of FIFA’s World’s Best Male Football Player Award. PloS one, 17(7), p.e0270546. (Download the paper).
  • Ferreira, C., Hannah, D., McCarthy, I., Pitt, L. and Lord Ferguson, S., 2022. This place is full of it: Towards an organizational bullshit perception scale. Psychological Reports, 125(1), pp.448-463 (Download the paper).
  • Robertson, J., Pitt, L. and McCarthy, I.P., 2022. Building sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems: A mediated model of university–industry collaboration, knowledge creation, and the entrepreneurial environment. Universities, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, and Sustainability, 3, p.107. (Download the paper).
  • Lee, L.W., Boon, E. and McCarthy, I.P., 2021. Does getting along matter? Tourist-tourist rapport in guided group activities. Tourism Management, 87, p.104381 (Download the paper).
  • Pitt, Christine, Andrew Park, and Ian P. McCarthy. A bibliographic analysis of 20 years of research on innovation and new product development in technology and innovation management (TIM) journals. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 61 (2021): 101632. (Download the paper).
  • Greiner, J., Naik, H., Liu, D. and Ballouk, H., 2021, June. Learning from the first wave: Lessons about managing patient flow and resource utilization on medical wards at providence health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 100530).  (Download the paper)
  • Viardot, E., McCarthy, I.P. Chen, J. (2021). Standardization in a digital and global world: State of the art and future perspectives, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 68 (1), 11-17. (Download the paper)
  • Robson, K., de Beer, J. and McCarthy, I.P., 2020. Open branding: Managing the unauthorized use of brand-related intellectual property. Business Horizons, 63(6), pp.773-785. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P., Hannah, D., Pitt, L.F. and McCarthy, J.M., 2020. Confronting indifference toward truth: Dealing with workplace bullshit. Business Horizons, 63(3): 253-263. (Download the paper)
  • Kietzmann, J., Lee, L.W., McCarthy, I.P. and Kietzmann, T.C., 2020. Deepfakes: Trick or treat?. Business Horizons, 63(2), pp.135-146. (Download the paper).
  • Lee, L., Dabirian, A., McCarthy, I. and Kietzmann, J. (2020), "Making sense of text: artificial intelligence-enabled content analysis", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54 No. 3, pp. 615-644. (Download the paper).
  • Baccarella, C. V., Wagner, T.F., Kietzmann, J.H., and McCarthy I.P. (2020). Averting the rise of the dark side of social media: The role of sensitization and regulation. European Management Journal. 28: 2-6. (Download the paper).
  • Robertson J., McCarthy I.P., and Pitt L.F. (2019). Leveraging Social Capital in University-Industry Knowledge Transfer Strategies: A Comparative Positioning Framework. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. 17:4, 461-472. (Download the paper).
  • McCarthy, I., Plangger, K., Robson, K., Kietzmann, J. & Pitt, L. (2019) Dynamic game plans: using gamification to entrain strategic renewal with environmental velocity.” in Handbook of Strategic Renewal edited by Aybars Tuncdogan, Adam Lindgreen, Frans van den Bosch and Henk Volberda., pages 391-405. Routledge. (Download the paper).
  • Baccarella, C.V., Wagner, T.F., Kietzmann, J.H. and McCarthy, I.P., 2018. Social media? It's serious! Understanding the dark side of social media. European Management Journal, 36(4), pp.431-438. (Download the paper).
  • McCarthy, I.P., Silvestre, B.S., von Nordenflycht, A. and Breznitz, S.M., 2018. A typology of university research park strategies: What parks do and why it matters. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 47, pp.110-122. (Download the paper).
  • Ruckman, K. and McCarthy, I. (2017). Licensing speed: Its determinants and payoffs. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (2017). 46: 52–66. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P., Collard, M. and Johnson, M. (2017). Adaptive organizational resilience: an evolutionary perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 28, pp.33-40. (Download the paper)
  • Ruckman, K. and McCarthy, I., (2017). Why do some patents get licensed while others do not?. Industrial and Corporate Change, 26 (4), 667–688 (Download the paper)
  • Bogers, M., Zobel, A.-K., Afuah, A., Almirall, E., Brunswicker, S., Dahlander, L., Frederiksen, L., Gawer, A., Gruber, M., Haefliger, S., Hagedoorn, J., Hilgers, D., Laursen, K., Magnusson, M. G., Majchrzak, A., McCarthy, I. P., Moeslein, K. M., Nambisan, S., Piller, F. T., Radziwon, A., Rossi-Lamastra, C., Sims, J., and Ter Wal, A. L. J. (2017). The open innovation research landscape: established perspectives and emerging themes across different levels of analysis. Industry and Innovation, 24(1): 8-40 (Download the paper)
  • de Beer, J., McCarthy, I.P., Soliman, A. and Treen, E., 2016. Click here to agree: Managing intellectual property when crowdsourcing solutions. Business Horizons, 60(2), 207-217 (Download the paper).
  • Wang, E., Berthon, P., Pitt L. and I. P. McCarthy (2017) Service, emotional labor, and mindfulness. Business Horizons, 59(6), 655-661 (Download the paper)
  • Xie, Z., Hall, J., McCarthy, I. P., Skitmore, M., and Shen, L. (2017). Standardization efforts: The relationship between knowledge dimensions, search processes and innovation outcomes. Technovation, 48–49, (February–March), 69–78 (Download the paper)
  • M.J Bliemel, I.P. McCarthy, and E. Maine. 2016. Levels of Multiplexity in Entrepreneur’s Networks: Implications for Dynamism and Value Creation. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 6(3): 247 - 272 (Download the paper)
  • Robson, K., Plangger, K., Kietzmann, J. H., McCarthy, I., & Pitt, L. (2016). Game on: Engaging customers and employees through gamification. Business Horizons, 59(1), 29-36 (Download the paper)
  • Robson, K., Plangger, K., Kietzmann, J. H., McCarthy, I., & Pitt, L. (2015). Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification. Business Horizons. 58, 411 - 420 (Download the paper)
  • Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Kietzmann, J., & McCarthy, I. P. (2015). CGIP: Managing consumer-generated intellectual property. California Management Review, 57(4), 43-62 (Download the paper)
  • Hannah, D. R., McCarthy, I. P., & Kietzmann, J. (2015). We’re leaking, and everything's fine: How and why companies deliberately leak secrets. Business Horizons, 58(6), 659-667 (Download the paper)
  • Robson, K.E., Plangger, K.A., Kietzmann, J., McCarthy, I., and Pitt, L.F. (2014) Understanding Gamification of Consumer Experiences, Advances in Consumer Research, 42, 352-356 (Download the paper)
  • Prpic, J., Shukla, P., Kietzmann, J. H., & McCarthy, I. P. 2015. How to Work a Crowd: Developing Crowd Capital through Crowdsourcing. Business Horizons, 58 (1), 77-85 (Download the paper)
  • Johnson, M. R. & McCarthy I. P. 2014. Product Recovery Decisions within the Context of Extended Producer Responsibility. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 34, 9-28 (Download the paper)
  • Bliemel, M. J., McCarthy, I. P., & Maine, E. 2014. An Integrated Approach to Studying Multiplexity in Entrepreneurial Networks. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 4(4), 367-402 (Download the paper)
  • Malek, K., E Maine & McCarthy I. P. 2014. A Typology of Clean Technology Commercialization Accelerators. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 32 (April-June): 26-39 (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I. P. 2014. Editorial: Special Issue on User Innovation and the Role of Creative Consumers. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 9(4) 1-5 (Download the paper)
  • Kietzmann, J. H., Silvestre, B. S., and McCarthy, I. P. 2012. Unpacking the Social Media Phenomenon: Towards a Research Agenda, Journal of Public Affairs, 12(2): 109–119 (Download the Paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P., & Gordon, B.R. 2011. Achieving Contextual Ambidexterity in R&D Organizations: A Management Control System Approach. R&D Management, 41(3), 240-258. (Download the Paper)
  • Berthon, P.R., Campbell, C.L., Pitt, L.F., and McCarthy, I. 2011. Creative Consumers: Awareness, Attitude and Action, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28 (7): 500 – 507 (Download the Paper)
  • Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P., & Silvestre, B.S. 2011. Social Media? Get Serious! Understanding the Functional Building Blocks of Social Media. Business Horizons, 54, 241-251. (Download the Paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P., Lawrence, T.B., Wixted, B., and Gordon, B. 2010. A Multidimensional conceptualization of environmental velocity. Academy of Management Review, 35(4), 604-626. (Download the Paper)
  • McCarthy, I., Pitt, L.F., Campbell, C., van der Merwe, R., and Salehi-Sangari, E. 2007. Exploiting the Business Opportunities in Bio-Tech Connections: The Power of Social Networks. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 13(4), 245-257. (Download the paper)
  • Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., McCarthy, I.P., and Kates, S.M. 2007. When Customers Get Clever: Managerial Approaches to Dealing with Creative Consumers. Business Horizons, 50(1): 39-47. (Reviewed in the January 15th 2007 issue of The Economist) (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I. P., Tsinopoulos C., Allen P.M & Rose-Anderssen C. 2006. New Product Development as a Complex Adaptive System of Decisions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(5): 437-456. (Download the paper)
  • Rose-Anderssen C, Allen P.M., Tsinopoulos C. & McCarthy I. P. 2005. Innovation in manufacturing as an evolutionary complex system, Technovation, 25(10): 1093-1105 (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I.P. 2005. Toward a Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Organizational Life. Journal of Bioeconomics, 7(3): 271-307. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P. 2004. The What, Why and How of Mass Customization. Production Planning and Control, 15(4), 347-351. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I.P. 2004. Manufacturing Strategy -- Understanding the Fitness Landscape. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24(2): 124-150. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I.P., and Anagnostou A. 2004. The Impact of Outsourcing on the Transaction Costs and Boundaries of Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics, 88(1): 61-71. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy I.P. 2003. Technology Management - A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach. International Journal of Technology Management, 25(8): 728-745. (Download the paper)
  • Fernandez, P., McCarthy, I.P., and Rakotobe-Joel, T. 2001. An Evolutionary Approach to Benchmarking. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 8(4), 281-305. (Received Editor's Awards) (Download the paper)
  • Rakotobe-Joel, T., McCarthy, I.P., and Tranfield, D. 2005. A Structural and Evolutionary Approach to Change Management. Journal - Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 8(4): 337-364. (Download the paper)
  • Tsinopoulos, C., and McCarthy, I.P. 2000. Achieving Agility Using Cladistics: An Evolutionary Analysis. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1-3), 338-346. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P., Leseure, M., Ridgway, K., and Fieller, N. 2000. Organisational Diversity, Evolution and Cladistic Classifications.The International Journal of Management Science - OMEGA, 28, 77-95. (Download the paper)
  • McCarthy, I.P. 1995. Manufacturing Classification: Lessons from Organisational Systematics and Biological Taxonomy. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (formerly the journal - Integrated Manufacturing Systems), 6(6), 37-49. (Received a New Faces Award from the Publishers Literati Club). (Download the paper)